Friday, November 12, 2010

Side effects

It has been awhile since I have posted. I have had a lot of crap going on. During the height of my withdrawal from anti-depressants my daughter was hospitalized for pneumonia. Nearly a year ago we came very close to losing her due to the same circumstances. As you can imagine hubby and I were under a great amount of stress. Ativan became an unfortunate part of the daily regimen. I am happy to report that our hospital stay was only 4 days and we are all home and "healthy."
I have noticed the following side effects. If you have a weak stomach, turn your head and read no further.
*loose stool-pretty much sharted my drawers the other day
*tremors in the afternoon
*chills at night-freezing, shaking, craziness
*super irritable-told my hubby to fk off at least daily
*strange dreams that are incredibly realistic and vivid
*not much change in my overall mood, I feel like a major beeyotch
My doctor has been on vacation for over a week so I have no idea whether or not my lithium levels were good or bad. Hopefully monday will bring me some information.